05 Jan Week of Motivating Tips to Keep You Focused on Your Wellness Goals
Happy New Year! Ready to kick of 2017 with a motivated wellness boost? This past I shared one post on Facebook and Instagram each day for a week of motivating tips to keep you motivated for your wellness goals for the year.
Hopefully this post and those tips last much longer for you than just a week! So, use this as a reference or guide that you can start, and re-start, anytime you need a little kick in the butt to get you back on track.

Day 1 Tip.
Wellness and fitness are lifestyles not goals
And it should be fun! More on that later.
Ok, who overate yesterday or has fallen off track with their wellness goals?
We all have been there! Whether it was yesterday, an entire month or maybe a year. It doesn’t matter, because that doesn’t mean it HAS to continue. You have a CHOICE always!
Today’s tip: Don’t stop, just get back on track! Wherever you left off, pick up NOW, because there’s no better time to start your wellness journey!
What are your wellness goals to achieve? And, how are you getting “back on track” today?
Day 2 Tip.
Have FUN in the kitchen!
Who says eating healthy and food needs to be serious and boring? Not this wellness warrior!
Get playful! Try a new recipe, get some cultural inspiration for fresh dishes, make it a theme night (Mexican night, anyone!? Who doesn’t love some fresh guacamole!?), buy and use a new spice, get a new gadget to test out (like my new Spiralizer machine shown here in this clip), or cook with a friend!
The point is, to explore something out of your norm to keep what you’re making fun, interesting and exciting. There’s nothing worse than eating the same meals day in and day out, and more less likely to stick to a healthy lifestyle of eating if it’s tasteless and bored out of your mind.

Day 3 Tip.
Create a killer playlist.
Check, check, check…can you turn the music up!?
Music stirs emotions, and there’s nothing better that gets me moving on an elliptical, lifting an extra set, or keeps moving past the warm up of sun salutations than a great mix of motivating tunes.
Check out the video clip to hear what I have to share, and stay tuned later in the week in an upcoming newsletter, where I’ll be sharing some of my most inspiring playlists for you to listen to.
Day 4 Tip.
Pack easy to grab-and-go snacks with you always.
Yep, this one takes a wee bit of planning, and I know many of you may say, “I don’t have time to do this!”
Here’s the thing: when you’re starving and on the road with nothing else to eat, you suddenly have the time to stop at a gas station and grab something from there, right?
My point, we make the time for what we prioritize. Prioritize your health! Here’s some easy to take with you snacks anywhere you drive, bike, fly, or travel!
Still hungry? Check out a few more examples of travel snacks for your next flight:

Day 5 Tip.
Share your goals!
Write ’em down, email it to a friend, send me a note, but share! Let the universe and others know what you’re up to and not only will you be holding your self accountable but others can help support you.
Share with me! Send me a note with your goals are in the next one, three or six months ahead. Part of the beauty of working with a health or life coach is receiving proper guidance, ideas and accountability along your transformation.
Day 6 Tip.
Schedule in your time for Fitness.
Write it in a planner, type it in your iCal, set a reminder on your phone, or event paste it up on your wall the night before on a post-it. Just SCHEDULE it in as a way to commit that time to you. With a little bit of planning, the excuses like “I don’t have time” “there’s other things I need to do that are more important” or “I’ll start tomorrow” can fade away and be seen as mere ways to wiggle out of your self commitment to moving.
Don’t believe me? Try it for a week! Set a time frame that’s reasonable for you to actual stick to and hold your own self accountable to your schedule. Value your own time and know that if something is truly that important, you can schedule in a time slot to accomplish that task as well.
Committing to your OWN set schedule is showing your own self you value your time, and, of course, your better health. If, after one week, you still find your self not being able to commit to your personally scheduled activity, it’s time to enact our tactic from Day 5:
Share your goals with someone else to help hold you accountable! (Day 5)

Day 7 Tip.
enJOY what you’re doing, and know you can rewrite your life story and time you want to.
Restarts and new goals don’t have to start only on the first of the year. You have the power to CHOOSE each day, every moment how you want to write your own life story. That choice in itself is LIVING FREE and freedom, something we can’t ever take for granted.
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