27 Oct Conditional Happiness – How to Break the Pattern
Conditional happiness can rob you of the opportunity to be truly happy. Yet, many of us take this path, seeking external approval for internal gain. Here’s what warriors can do:
What happens when your mood is conditional?
The world around you dictates your happiness.
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It’s easy to love life when things are moving, going smoothly, and people around you are supporting your efforts. It’s not so easy when you’re struggling day to day to make ends meet, you’re hearing rejections from clients, or you’re hearing a bunch of “yeses” from people who you know you’ll never hear from again. (P.S. #energyvampires delete ’em.)⠀
What can we do in the moments of hardship to find the positive and be less “happiness conditional”?⠀
Here’s what I suggest: remember that we are CHOOSING every one of those actions that lead to those results. We can either complain about them, and linger in the emotional negativity. OR we can view those outcomes as lessons, and learn from them to make positive steps forward that take us closer to our goal—and what we really want to achieve. ⠀
It’s a different mindset, coming from a place of abundance, rather than lacking. Wanting something different and complaining about it only leads to fear and lack. Seeing each and every effort, step, and setback as an opportunity to learn, grow, and make wiser decisions moving forward is from gratitude and abundance, believing that we’re on the path and already have what we want—we just need to access it. 🕊 #livefree⠀
I welcome your thoughts on this topic below in the comments.
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