I recently finished this amazing book and I was blown away by the raw, authentic bravery of the author. I am not a cancer survivor and you certainly don't need to be to read it. This book is for any person wanting to grow past their past pains, struggles and fears. The things that cripple their everyday life. Sara has such an authentic voice and she shares some of her darkest hours in the book. But she braves her wounds to inspire us and give us the courage to move past our own. The writing was so raw it cut to my heart. It is such a powerful handbook for anyone wanting to create their best life. Sara shares her mistakes and lessons to illuminate the path for growth. I was so moved by it that I shared it with my teenage daughter. High school kids suffer with poor self-esteem and body image and my daughter loved this book. She is at an age where kids are dealing with so much social pressure around eating and the need to be thin. Sara's journey to the other side of an easing disorder and her compassion made for the perfect teacher for young kids. Her bravery and unwillingness to quit are inspiring. This is a story of hope and courage from a warrior that fought her demons and won. I also loved all the tips and tricks to bringing health and balance into one’s life on a mental, physical and spiritual level. If you are thinking about buying this book, think no further. It is a must read for people of all ages who want to embrace their best self and create their best life.
I am so thankful for this book. Sara so honestly, openly and clearly shares her journey so the reader knows that she has been through some serious things in life, and not just Cancer. She rightly talks more broadly about all of the cancers in our lives - the negativity and harmful things that act like poison for our minds and bodies and keep us from living Free, as she says. Her story just so spoke to me and moved me. With that baseline, I was ready to hear her guidance and process to get to Live Free of all of the various cancers we have in our lives, and was so thankful for the approach she shares so you can do just that. She takes you step by step through this beautiful, introspective journey and be empowered to own your life going forward to make sure it stays on the new path you get it on. Thank you, Sara, for writing this. I'm proud to be a Warrior now!
B Dizzle Fizzle
I found the book very inspiring and applicable in so many areas of life. Sara's experience, how she handled each challenge, and the advice she gives is timeless and very motivating. Life throws us many challenges but the ideas and suggestions herein can help us all deal with them and emerge a stronger and better person. Dave H.
Crystal Clean
I knew this was going to be a good read. I wasn't prepared for how honest Sara would be. Sharing such intimate struggles with an eating disorder, cancer, relationships...and sharing the strength it took to move past all those challenges. The book is never boastful about successes, just honest, sincere and with a generosity of spirit to share what worked. I haven't had cancer, haven't had an eating disorder, but anyone who's had any challenge in life, and that would be most of us, would benefit from this authentic voice and can certainly learn lessons in how to deal with what life throws at you. Sara is considerably younger than me, but I learned some very important things in this book. Thanks for sharing, Sara.
J. Hurd
Great book! Very informative and inspirational!
Living Cancer Free is an auto-biographical story by 15-year cancer survivor, Sara Quiriconi, Live Free Warrior. Citing her history and real-life “cancerous” struggles with anorexia, bulimia, alcohol addiction, lymphoma cancer, divorce, PTSD, unfulfilling jobs, and more. Sara features quotes from her own journals during her youth illustrating the rawness and honesty of her inner turmoils. This true story is not just for someone experiencing an actual diagnosis, but rather anyone seeking the light within their own darkness, or “cancers”.
Divided into the three sections, Part 1 describes Sara’s life BC, before cancer. Part 2 recaps her discovery of purpose, love and living free. Part 3 Workbook with exercises and tools to Living a “Cancer-Free” life, from the lessons and experiences shared in Part 1 and 2 of the novel.
This book will transform anyone who reads it, to live life to its fullest, like a warrior, and empowers readers to embrace the big C: CHOICE.
“If you have cancer: this book is for you.
If you have a friend going through cancer: this book is for you.
If you don’t have cancer, keep it that way: this book is for you.
If you feel stuck, in any area of your life, and looking for change: this book is for you.
“Get it? You don’t need to have cancer to read this book, or to gain positive, life-changing use out of it! How is that so? Even though I live a healthier lifestyle now, and living free of the various cancers that plagued my life (mentally, physically and emotionally), I wasn’t very healthy in my approach to food, my mindset or my lifestyle for a good part of my life from 14 years old on.
This book aims to illuminate, insight and inspire its readers to awaken to the life they can choose to live. Because “while we cannot always pick the hand of cards we’ve been dealt, we certainly can choose how we play them.”
— Living Cancer Free, The Workbook Introduction, by Sara Quiriconi
“Cancer is anything that causes dis-ease, or un-ease, in our mind, body, and spiritual state.
It’s a bad relationship, an over stressing, under-rewarding job,…a false sense of control with food or addiction…and any falsified strung carrot placed in front of our eyes…”
“What happened next will blow you away…
‘For the first time in a long time I actually felt my body. Not in the way that you pretend to give yourself a hug, or palpate your arm to feel the bones or pull at the fat, as I had in the past. This time I could actually feel my body awakening and coming alive.”
“I’m not a doctor. I’m certainly not an oncologist. Nor am I a nutritionist, dietician, shaman, spiritual healer, or a guru…I’m a person, simply that.
“[In here] are exercises, nutritional tips, recipes, meditations, and physical activities that have helped me to get from Part 1 (B.C.) to Part 2D (A.D.), or right to this present day.”